DLL Central/Eastern Europe Cluster Leader (Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia and Turkey) - Facancy

DLL Central/Eastern Europe Cluster Leader (Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia and Turkey)

12 июля 2019

For the Central/Eastern Europe Cluster, we are looking for a Cluster Leader for Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia and Turkey. As a Cluster leader, you will be end responsible for the DLL General Management for a country in the cluster and regional coordination for the other two countries.


End responsible for the Cluster /Country strategy translating the DLL MTP, GBU MTPs and annual business plans into a strategic direction for the region/country with the support of a region/local Management Team.


Create the cluster plan in conjunction with other cluster leaders and based on guidance by DLL
Provide input for midterm/annual Corporate and GBU plans from the cluster perspective.
Setup and lead the Cluster Leadership team, which defines cluster strategy and is responsbile for its execution
Ensure execution & delivery of DLL value proposition to customers, realize the sales and profitability targets for the cluster/ country.


Manage the cluster/country sales business units, which include local program management and execution, New Business Development, prdioct development and DLL Country value proposition towards our customers. This is in close alignment with GBUs.
Implement the DLL process model based on local client requirements aligned with other cluster leaders.


Ensure execution of all back office services, incl. contract management, customer services, C&R, legal, asset management & remarketing, credit underwriting, insurance processing and brokerage, accounting, funding and cash application. Implement new vendors, products and systems and increase operational efficiency.

Responsible for IT & process improvement within the cluster/country, implementing the IT global strategy and digital transformation
Develop, implement and execute local HR policies and programs in line with corporate strategy, policies and standards. Manage HR resources; ensure organization and member development and engagement.

Risk Management: develop local risk policies within the Corporate risk framework. Included are: credit risk, operational risk management and enterprise risk.

Local compliance: represent DLL in the country as statutory president. Of the local banking entity. Ensure internal and external compliance and all regulatory aspects and that all audit procedures are in place.
Represent DLL towards local regulatory bodies, tax authorities and government bodies, insurance companies and branch associations.



Master’s degree with long term leasing/banking business experience (> 15 years).
Strategic view and broad business knowledge considering all different types of business that DLL delivers.
Excellent customer experience skills
Broad and deep knowledge of vendor finance products, systems, market and partnerships.
Strong commercial presence including high level of interactive, presentation and communication skills. Leadership and project management skills.
Ability to clearly communicate and connect within a network organization, customer focused, and interaction with others based on persuasion with by personal impact.
Experience in structuring and formalizing of partnerships in emerging/mature markets.
Senior leadership management experience and recognized as an example as leadership for all different levels within the organization.
Experience in managing large and complex projects and change management.
Experience with Risk and Finance management in leasing/banking business industry.



Personal skills / competences:
Inspiring leader who has the ability to engage large groups of members
Proven commercial skillset
Interpersonal & communication skills (both internal and external)
Strategic Vision
Proven Negotiation skills
Senior leadership & coaching
Language skills: English required
Organizational skills
Change management skills



Откликаться Nico Molenschot, Recruitment Business Partner, nico.molenschot@dllgroup.com



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