Director of Overseas Payment and Financial Cooperation в Tiens - Facancy

Director of Overseas Payment and Financial Cooperation в Tiens

7 сентября 2019

Внимание! Это работа в российском офисе TIENS (Тяньши) — МЛМ БАДов. 


1. Conduct research and analysis on overseas payment market, and sort out the current situation of overseas payment, relevant laws and regulations, and financial policies. Key countries include but are not limited to: Russia, Indonesia, Japan, Germany, Peru and Nigeria.

2. Provide comprehensive payment solutions for overseas implementation of the company’s e-commerce business, and cooperate with developers in project management and promotion.

3. Responsible for the development of overseas & cross-border payment business model and strategic planning.

4. Has rich financial payment channel resources; expand and manage overseas payment business channels. Responsible for external cooperation communication and negotiation, promote cooperation with overseas Banks, Card organizations, Third-party payment companies and other relevant parties. To integrate resources and build our own cross-border payment capacity.

5. According to the market environment and regulatory changes of overseas payment, make timely adjustments to ensure the legality, compliance and safety of the business.

6. Participate in daily operation and maintenance of overseas payment business. Constantly adjust and update the business operation based on users, payment data and market data

Job requirements:

1. Experience in cross-border payment e-commerce platform. Experience in payment module construction of third-party financial platforms such as Ant financial, WeChat payment, Unionpay International. Or payment module construction of global e-commerce platforms such as AliExpress, Amazon, etc

2. At least 5 years experience in overseas payment, cross-border payment, international finance or international trade. Experience in connection with payment channels of overseas financial institutions is preferred

3. Familiar with overseas payment market and regulatory policies, understand the characteristics of cross-border e-commerce, with keen market insight and efficient execution

4. Accept short-term overseas business trip for business development. Good adaptability and pressure bearing ability, enterprising and responsible

5. Good English listening, speaking, reading and writing ability, English can be used as working language

6. Good communication and negotiation skill. Coordination and organization ability and teamwork spirit

7. Bachelor degree or above, major in international finance, international trade, IT, etc.


Внимание! Для отклика требуется VPN.

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