Director, Managed Services в Mastercard - Facancy

Director, Managed Services в Mastercard

1 августа 2019

Director, Managed Services. The Data & Services team is a key differentiator for Mastercard, providing the cutting-edge services that help our customers grow. Focused on thinking big and scaling fast around the globe, this agile team is responsible for end-to-end solutions for a diverse global customer base. Centered on data-driven technologies and innovation, these services include payments-focused consulting, loyalty and marketing programs, business Test & Learn experimentation, and data-driven information and risk management services.

Within the Data & Services organization, Loyalty and Managed Services, places Mastercard in the heart of our customer’s b2c and b2b marketing strategies. Our vision is to become the partner of choice for Issuers and Merchants leveraging our solutions to drive our Client’s most profitable customer engagements and Mastercard Preference.



The role includes:

• Deliver exceptional marketing digital projects across the Division
• Driving in alignment with the Head of Region the product innovation agenda and product road map
• Ensuring flawless delivery of the Managed Services projects across the division and maintaining the highest standards of quality in our customer relationships


Candidates for this role will likely have answered ‘yes’ to the following questions: 

• Do you have a track record of successfully managing digital marketing projects?
• Do you have a track record of successfully managing marketing services products?
• Are you comfortable with rigorous and advanced analytics?
• Do you have a background in building products?
• Do you have experience successfully leading teams and developing talent?



• Support the implementation of Managed Services strategy in the Division
• Lead conversation with Clients at Senior level and help to close the sale with Customers by being the Marketing Expert in the room
• Identify Customer’s opportunities, craft strategic marketing plans, gain customer agreement, work with agencies and third parties to create and execute campaigns and measure results with goal to continuously optimize/improve campaigns
• Implement digital marketing solutions including data driven digital campaigns, marketing automation, card lifecycle management initiatives designed to address a wide range of business needs and customer challenges as acquisition, launch, activation, usage, cross and up selling, retention and loyalty.
• Achieve operational projects execution within agreed project milestones and budget
• Manage creative development, media planning and execution guarantying high standards of quality and coherence versus client needs.
• Apply best practices across the division
• Manage vendors with regards to production and monitoring budget elements
• Contribute to evolving our products supporting the Global and Regional product strategy


All About You 

• High degree of expertise in Digital Marketing and Martech products
• Digital marketing knowledge (including social) and digital technical competence
• Demonstrable knowledge of effective P&L management
• Extremely competent at selling to clients using your expert knowledge
• Analytically curious to uncover data driven insights
• Strong Business Acumen and entrepreneurial mindset
• Excellent communication and presentation skills
• Superior Customer Service and Stakeholder Management
• Experienced in managing creative and media agencies
• Comfortable to travel
• Bachelor’s degree required

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