Digital & Innovation Manager (Head of Digital Office) в HEINEKEN - Facancy

Digital & Innovation Manager (Head of Digital Office) в HEINEKEN

29 августа 2019

We are looking for Digital & Innovation Manager (Head of Digital Office) to drive Digital Strategy in HEINEKEN Russia, to delivery of digital initiatives/experiments, and to create common culture and awareness about Digital, Innovation and Agile across business functions.


If you are ready:

  • Shape the Digital vision, develop Digital Strategy and enablers in HEINEKEN Russia in line with Business Strategy;
  • Develop the digital pipelines of business functions and actively contribute into the execution;
  • Develop Business partnership on different levels and strong relationship with business stakeholders to influence the strategic business decisions;
  • Interact with Leadership Team to identify the strategic directions and priorities for business functions and how Digital team can support it;
  • Lead Digital Office team, manage and measure the work, develop the people, attract & retain talents;
  • Own the technology roadmap, ensure the roadmap and action plans are in place and executed with relevant contribution from other teams across the organization;
  • Ensure that the required resources and capabilities are in place to support different Digital initiatives from technology side;
  • Create awareness about Digital&Innovation&Agile mindset and culture across the organization. Develop and conduct corresponding communication programs and trainings;
  • Be a digital savvy with understanding of how technology can be brought to life to support business challenges; consult business about potential values of new tech;
  • Develop partnership with external partners and Universities to support digital strategy.

And you have:

  • Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in IT or related sciences;
  • At least 5 years managerial experience including people management;
  • Proven experience of complex project/change management in a dynamic and fast paced environment;
  • Experience of having worked with different business functions (e.g. Finance, Supply Chain, Commerce), stakeholders and executives
  • Experience of driving innovation in the organization;
  • Experience of shaping and leading on vision, strategy and digital initiatives that set the key strategic technology direction for an organization or function;
  • Excellent knowledge of the modern technology trends, enterprise IT landscape/infrastructure;
  • Business acumen in FMCG processes and challenges;
  • Excellence presentation and communication skills for different audience including Executive;
  • Excellence knowledge and experience in Agile way of working and tools (SCRUM, SAFe, Kanban, Design Thinking, Lean canvas, etc.);
  • Excellence knowledge and experience in IT Service Management (ITIL);
  • Fluent English.


In addition to interesting tasks, we would like to offer:

  • Our rich history and heritage. The company was founded more then 150 years ago!;
  • We offer worthy remuneration system and benefits which include meal allowance and mobile;
  • We care about your health and offer medical insurance;
  • We will insure your life from the first working day;
  • You will be among the first consumers who can try our new products;
  • We appreciate employees’ ideas and develop entrepreneurial spirit.

Данная вакансия, к сожалению, уже не актуальна.

Алёна ВладимирскаяАлёна Владимирская

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Откуда вакансии?
Из LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Телеграме, ВКонтакте, корпоративных сайтов компаний и хантинговых агентств
Для кого?
Для хороших наёмных менеджеров
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Если вы не разобрались, как правильно указать вашу текущую отрасль и функции – задайте нам вопрос
Алёна ВладимирскаяАлёна Владимирская
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