Customer Engagement Development manager в The Stars Group - Facancy

Customer Engagement Development manager в The Stars Group

10 сентября 2019

The role:

We are looking for a Customer Engagement Development Manager to join our busy and dynamic team based in our Malta office.


Why we need you:

The Customer Engagement Development Manager role is an exciting role within the Poker Room Operations team. The Stars Group are the worldwide leader in poker and operate the largest and most popular poker brands in the world, including PokerStars and FullTilt.

You will take on a pivotal role for the development of a holistic promotional plan for Play Money business. Together with the product manager and BI team, you`ll implement short and long term strategies in order to maintain and grow Play Money Revenue. In collaboration with Poker team, you`ll design, align and implement campaigns driving monetization, retention, conversion, and reactivation of Play Money customers. BI team will support you with relevant information, insights and advices on better structuring of Play Money offerings and engagement mechanics.

You`ll design, brief and regularly update lifecycles to reflect actual Play Money offerings. You`ll define VIP first initiatives and brief central VIP team on offers and incentives to engage top monetizing customers. You`ll define the required scope of social media promotions and brief central social media team to execute consistent social strategy. You`ll engage Support services to resolve critical issues coming from Play Money customers and keep up-to-date alignments on actual promotional plan.


Who are we looking for:

We are looking for a senior expert with at least 3 years of full-time experience in a CRM or consumer engagement role in gaming, e-commerce, retail, telecom or banking.

You have shown cases of converting data reports into actionable campaigns and a portfolio of successfully launched multichannel marketing campaigns.


What’s in it for you?

The salary for this job is based on experience, so whilst we are not able to provide such details at this stage, we can confirm that we do offer an excellent salary and benefits package. Our benefits include a discretionary annual performance bonus, premium health and dental insurance for you, your partner and your children (providing you all live at the same address), and a generous company contribution into a private pension scheme every month.

We have an Employee Assistance Programme where you receive complimentary and confidential support from professionals who offer independent advice 24/7. To support you in developing your skills and career, we will provide ongoing training.

We contribute €5.25 daily towards your breakfast and lunch. In addition, there is free fresh fruit, snacks and drinks. As an advocate of work life balance, we offer PIA; an annual personal interest allowance where we encourage personal learning outside of working hours; e.g. driving lessons, cookery classes and circus training (to name a few that our people have used this towards).


What happens next?

We will aim to get back to you as soon as possible. If you meet the criteria, then we’ll invite you to a phone interview and if that goes well we’ll meet you for a face-to-face interview.

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Как получить рассылку?

Заполнить анкету, описывающую вашу текущую позицию
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Расскажите, кем вы работаете сейчас?


Указывать в анкете параметры вакансий, которые вы хотите увидеть (как это обычно устроено во всех сервисах поиска вакансий) - бессмысленно. Наш алгоритм начнет выбирать вакансии для “такого” человека, а не для вас.

Откуда вакансии?
Из LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Телеграме, ВКонтакте, корпоративных сайтов компаний и хантинговых агентств
Для кого?
Для хороших наёмных менеджеров
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Если вы не разобрались, как правильно указать вашу текущую отрасль и функции – задайте нам вопрос
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