Внимание! Вакансии нет на российских job ресурсах: Chief Technology Officer в app for youth soccer players JuniStat

4 сентября 2020

JuniStat are looking for CTO in a startup that is engaged in the development of children’s football. We are making a web platform and a related application that uses the AR module. A neural network that processes user data received through the app will be attached to the platform. The neural network will be made by a third-party contractor, but we certainly want it to be controlled from our side.


We are looking for a partner and ideally we want a candidate to love football, and be able to have a quick chat about the CL Final between Bayern and PSG at the beginning of the meeting. According to the terms, we offer a cliff-vesting model of getting a good share in the company + approximately 40-50% of the market salary of a specialist of the desired level before the company goes into profit. We plan that this will happen within a year. Then we will gradually increase the salary to the market level.


On the development team, we will give a reasonable carte blanche. The ideal candidate for us is a group head from a large (or medium) IT company, a football-loving coding professional and experienced development team manager. He/she understands that taking this position, if everything works out, can make this person a millionaire, and if it doesn’t work out, then in a year he/she will easily find a new job.


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