Chief Marketing Officer в дизайн-студию Yellow Images (релокация в Ванкувер)

30 октября 2020
Ванкувер, Канада
международная компания

Международная дизайн-студия Yellow Images находится в поиске Chief Marketing Officer-а, который готов к переезду в Канаду.



You are guru at user acquisition strategies, unit economics, and other growth hacking-related optimizations. You set ambitious goals and use lean testing to figure out ways to boost company’s revenue and profits; drive engagement and retention; and lead creative, brand, and communications strategies. You work hand-by-hand with a CEO and held accountable for driving metrics-wise growth of company’s base of customers.
Familiarity with a two-sided marketplace environment is a bonus.
Previous experience of growing a company from 0 to 1.



We are based in Vancouver, BC and at this point we experience explosive 70% YoY revenue growth rate. We are looking for a “Scientist CMO” aka “guru at user acquisition” to push the growth even further to a triple digit number.
User acquisition targets. Lead generation and channels discovery involving search engine marketing (SEM/paid), search engine optimization (SEO/unpaid), social (paid and unpaid), and content advertising. Optimizing for the conversion rates and acquisition costs.
Revenue-based financial goals. Boosting company’s top and bottom lines.
Retention/engagement goals. Getting our customers to stay engaged and reactivated. Key efforts — messaging to follow up with and incentivize users, as well as retargeting campaigns.
Product marketing goals. Defining and refining brand positioning based on market traction, customer feedback, desired differentiation, and more. Diversify product offerings and further package features and pricing for various customer segments.



Highly-rewarding environment where proactive people thrive.
High level of independency.
Being a part of a high-growth company with a unicorn ambitions.
Distributed team and an ability to work remotely.
Opportunity to relocate to Vancouver, BC.

Данная вакансия, к сожалению, уже не актуальна.

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