Chief Financial Officer в Groupe SEB - Facancy

Chief Financial Officer в Groupe SEB

16 сентября 2019


  • Providing leadership, direction and management of the Financial/Budget controlling, IT, Legal, Procurement, Internal Control
  • Providing strategic recommendation to GM, participating in decision making on strategic topics/projects
  • Implementing internal policies and high-level internal controls
  • Overseeing tax reporting, bank operations, maintaining high level of credit control
  • Managing the processes for financial forecasting and budgeting, overseeing preparation of all financial reporting by Group standards
  • Financial analysis of company performance
  • Performing risk management by analyzing the organization’s liabilities and investments
  • Advising on long-term business and financial planning
  • Providing strategic guidance on big deals, trade marks related issues, legal and IT topics
  • Being a first point of contact for regional Finance team/Internal Audit team on all requests
  • Ensure compliance with the law and GSEB policies


Required profile:

  • previous experience as CFO or Head of Financial Controlling (big market) – not less than 6 years
  • knowledge of IFRS and GSEB internal financial/reporting/internal control standards
  • higher financial education, advanced degree in business administration is a plus
  • absolute fluency in English
  • previous experience of financial control and credit control is a must
  • understanding of business processes setting-up effective business processes
  • previous experience of strategic projects implementation inside a company


Required capabitilies/competencies:

  • compliance/internal controls advocate
  • team leadership and management skills
  • great analytical skills, global thinking, structured approach
  • strong communication skills, ability to consult GM on financial topics and build business partnership
  • agility
  • project management skills
  • multi-tasking

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