Chief Accountant в захватывающий популярность китайский сервис такси DiDi - Facancy

Chief Accountant в захватывающий популярность китайский сервис такси DiDi

5 ноября 2020
крутая компания

The world’s leading mobile transportation and convenience chinese platform DiDi is recruiting a Chief Accountant.


Key Responsibilities:

Act as the tax subject officer in Russia Business, to provide professional advice on all tax-related subject matters and queries, in particular over accounting standard, policy, and primary supporting documents
Support queries from cross-functions including but not limited to Accounting, Procurement, Legal, Operations, and Product Development, by delivering quantitative analysis
Collaborate with Business and Product team to alert potential tax impacts on existing / new business initiatives; Propose solution or workarounds
Attending to the various tax registrations such as VAT
Attending to all tax subject matters of the entity, including submission of the tax returns for VAT, Employee’s tax, Employee reconciliations, Income tax, Dividends tax and Provisional taxes
Liaison with external tax consultants on managing projects deliverables, and consultancy fee
Experience on dealing with queries from Tax Bureau; Handle and manage tax inspection / audits / reviews raised by authorities appropriately;
Be able to communicate precisely risk factors or development in Russia operations to the International Tax Lead from Beijing HQ
Participate in Global Tax Planning projects initiated by Beijing HQ
Monitor evolving tax environment by alerting HQ of changes on local tax legislations
Keep proper tax technical updates and provide education to relevant stakeholders as appropriate


Bachelor degree or above
More than 7 years of Russian entity chief accountant experience with strong tax technical knowledge as well as strong implementation ability
Tax work experience / knowledge in countries of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) region is a strong plus
Result oriented, strong sense of ownership
Excellent oral and written communication skills and proven ability to work effectively with all level of staff, with cross-functional teams, upper management, and external consultants
Fluent English
Work in-house working experience in the transportation / taxi industry will be a strong plus
CPA and / or credentials in legal profession (e.g. LLB, JD, PCLL) is a strong plus


Will be considered as a strong advantage:

Ability to work on multiple tasks at the same time independently under conditions of uncertainty, ability to manage multiple and changing priorities
Demonstrated integrity and professionalism
Occasional travel between China and Russia, and among Russian cities, is expected
Proficiency in Chinese is a plus but not mandatory
Proficiency on Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint is a must


Partially remote work.
Broad benefits package: health insurance, life insurance, meals, fitness, Chinese class, etc.
31 days paid annual leave.
Opening a new chapter in multi-billion dollar business, ample opportunity to implement your own ideas.

Данная вакансия, к сожалению, уже не актуальна.

Алёна ВладимирскаяАлёна Владимирская

Чтобы откликнуться на вакансию - необходимо подписаться на наш сервис

Как получить рассылку?

Заполнить анкету, описывающую вашу текущую позицию
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Указывать в анкете параметры вакансий, которые вы хотите увидеть (как это обычно устроено во всех сервисах поиска вакансий) - бессмысленно. Наш алгоритм начнет выбирать вакансии для “такого” человека, а не для вас.

Откуда вакансии?
Из LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Телеграме, ВКонтакте, корпоративных сайтов компаний и хантинговых агентств
Для кого?
Для хороших наёмных менеджеров
Если вы не разобрались, как правильно указать вашу текущую отрасль и функции – задайте нам вопрос
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Выберите из списка
Выберите из списка
Если вы не разобрались, как правильно указать вашу текущую отрасль и функции – задайте нам вопрос
Алёна ВладимирскаяАлёна Владимирская
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