Chief Accountant в shared service center (в Польшу)

7 декабря 2020
Катовице, Польша
релокация зарубеж

Внимание! Вакансии нет на российских job ресурсах. 


Shared Service Center is looking for the person to hold the position Chief Accountant with English and Russian to one of the Shared Service Center in Katowice.


New role
As a Chief Accountant you will be responsible for supervising the tax reviews, cooperation with external statutory auditors, timely preparation of the annual financial statements, enhance knowledge on accounting matters and principles under US GAAP, IFRS and other local GAAP and more.


To be the best Candidate you need to have experience in a role of RtR/GL Accountant, general knowledge of current and deferred income tax – how to calculate and prepare return, Very good level of Russian B2 and English B1 and knowledge of MS Office package is a must.


What offer
Variety package of benefits and professional development in international company. At this position you will be able to grow professionaly and extend your skills in various areas.


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