Chief Accountant в логистическую компанию DB SСHENKER

1 ноября 2022

В логистическую компанию DB SСHENKER открыта вакансия Chief Accountant. 


DB SСHENKER - логистическое подразделение компании Deutche Bahn (немецкие железные дороги). Основные направления деятельности: грузовые перевозки по всему миру с оптимальными сроками доставки и без ограничения по весу или размеру груза; международные и внутрироссийские перевозки грузов всеми видами транспорта (автомобильные, ж/д, авиационные, морские, контейнерные), включая перевозки сборных грузов и кросс-докинг; таможенное оформление; контрактная логистика (склад). 


Tasks description:

  • Timely Statutory and Management reporting for legal entities in Russia.
  • Perform management accounting month close process on the 3rd working day with plan/fact analysis.
  • Define and deploy accounting and financial process for all abroad holding entities.
  • Tax registers/declarations, pension/social funds reports and other required statistics preparation (CBR, etc).
  • Monitoring relevant changes in tax legislation and timely update accounting and tax policies.
  • Relations with tax and other governmental authorities on financial and tax issues.
  • Setup, prepare and maintain IFRS/Management reporting for all holding entities and its consolidation.
  • Establish effective bank relations and fulfill holding needs with loans, bank guarantees and other financial instruments.
  • Main responsibility for accounting processes automation and continuous improvement.
  • Lead accounting system modernization project for statutory reporting automation and management accounting ledger development.
  • Manages finance department team.
  • Justification and different scenarios modelling of investment projects and required financial resources.
  • Maintain effective internal controls for company assets and key business processes.
  • Lead budgeting and forecasting cycles for all holding entities with consolidation.
  • Effectively manage outsourced accounting partners and consultants for dedicated projects in different countries.
  • Ensures financial and related data consistency in all company IT systems, connecting to and including accounting system.



  • Deep knowledge of Russian Accounting Systems/Rules with logistics business specifics.
  • Payroll tax accounting and pension/social funds reporting.
  • Main bank products and hedging products knowledge. E-banking.
  • General knowledge of IFRS.
  • General knowledge of plan/fact analysis.
  • Main investment KPI’s knowledge.
  • English language sufficient for negotiations.



  • Part time Moscow (Nagatinskaya) - central office, part time Klimovsk (Podolsk district).

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