Category & Commercial Strategy Director в Kimberly-Clark - Facancy

Category & Commercial Strategy Director в Kimberly-Clark

5 июля 2023
Москва; Удаленно
международная компания

Вакансия на удаленке.


Kimberly-Clark is looking for a Category & Commercial Strategy Director.


Category & Commercial Strategy Director is responsible for deployment and implementation category management principles and commercial strategy to boost K-C sales in major channel.

  • Lead commercial strategy and category management, trade marketing teams
  • Category management : Develop and deploy 3 years category vision and strategy based on deep understanding of key growth’s drivers in categories, channels and clients, shopper’s understanding and insights, identifying additional source of growth. Lead Joint category development process with major KA, develop relationship with retailers, helping them in providing category growth. Lead creation and delivery of categories plans for channels and specified customers based on DPSM (distribution, pricing, shelving, merchandising) approach
  • Achieve Top-3 marks in Advantage survey in part of Category management
  • Commercial strategy: Develop and deploy 3 years Country Commercial Strategy based on revenue management and strategic pricing, category expansion and channel’s portfolio optimization, etc.
  • Agree top down annual budgets by category & customer in line with Country Financial & Brand objectives. Develop and deploy trade investment and promo strategy through implementation of National Trade Marketing calendar based on categories guidelines and financial targets. Organize revenue transformation process to maintain profitability, optimize gross-to-net and find internal source of growth
  • Development and maintenance the 24 months rolling Country Trade Master Plan, making sure Customer and Brand marketing, Sales, Supply chain and Finance are aligned and act as one team, take part in S&OP
  • Support brand team in the commercial delivery of their brand’s objectives across different customers and channels, ensuring all customer plans are aligned with brand’s goals and strategy, manage the execution of this at key milestones in the calendar
  • Develop category management and commercial capabilities across commercial department
  • Full responsibility for Revenue Growth management initiatives implementation



  • Proven years of work experience in international FMCG Company (deep understanding of category management)
  • Strong Influencing and leadership skills
  • Building effective teams
  • Driving result
  • Manage diverse teams
  • Solid understanding of retail business
  • Knowledge of Nielsen Data base
  • English Upper-Intermediate


Company offers:

  • An inspiring challenge within Global company
  • Career opportunities and personalized development
  • Professional and social benefits
  • Great support for good health with medical and dental coverage options
  • Remote or Hybrid working schedule
  • Compensation of lunches
  • Corporate car (provided)

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