Brand Manager в компанию производитель молочных продуктов и детского питания Naturland (Грузия)

8 августа 2022
Тбилиси (Грузия)
релокация зарубеж

В компанию производитель молочных продуктов и детского питания Naturland открыта вакансия Brand Manager.



  • Daily communication with foreign suppliers;
  • Planning of product purchases and stocks;
  • Study/analysis of competitive environment, market trends and brand growth;
  • Sales planning/stimulation and monthly reporting;
  • Preparation of the annual marketing plan, agreement with the supplier of the calculation plan and preparation of the budget;
  • Price control;
  • Planning offline and online advertising campaigns;
  • Monitoring social media pages and ads;


Basic requirements:

  • High education;
  • At least 1 year of work experience in sales or marketing is required;
  • Experience of working with international brands is desirable;
  • Russian and English language skills at conversational level;
  • Knowledge of Microsoft Office at a high level.  

Данная вакансия, к сожалению, уже не актуальна.

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