Brand Director в Borjomi

17 ноября 2020
крутая компания

Лидер на рынке бутилированной воды в России — компания Borjomi, ищет нового коллегу на должность Brand Director.


At least 3 years experience on similar position, within FMCG (Tier 1 – P&G, Unilever, PepsiCo, Coca-
Cola, Kraft foods, Mondeliz etc.) company, at least 10 years overall experience in marketing
A high level of expertise in brand marketing is required
Strong understanding of how to build and develop a global brand and what are key brand growth
drivers and indicators
Advanced experience in implementing omni-channel communication campaigns, including Digital
Communications in international marekts


Advanced skills in the following areas:
Brand fundamental development
Creative communication campaigns development
Media incl digital management
People management


Brand strategy development
Brand management
Business plan development of the brand in accordance with its strategy
Collecting and analyzing market data, consumer research and brand indicators for brand strategy
development to achieve targeted sales volume, market share and profitability, analysis of brand
indicators and marketing initiatives results with recommendations on plan revision
Brand P&L management
Identify opportunities for brand growth and prepare relevant initiatives proposals
Working with cross-functional teams to create an integrated business plan
Managing product launches within the framework of agreed innovative projects
Brand budget management
Managing the communication strategy of the brand
Developing globally relative creative campaigns to support both equity and new launches
Develop effective media plans to achieve targeted consumers
Develop and implement best in class content strategy
Develop efficient shopper marketing program
Assortment management, innovation and pricing:
Recommend a market coverage strategy in cooperation with sales team
Offer an optimal product portfolio, including optimization measures in cooperation with sales team
Management of product launches within the framework of agreed innovative projects;
Establish pricing frameworks, determine optimal prices through channels and proposals for price rise,
if necessary, in cooperation with sales team
Team Management.

Данная вакансия, к сожалению, уже не актуальна.

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