​​Арт-менеджер в команду московского представительства Швейцарского совета по культуре Pro Helvetia Moscow

3 ноября 2020
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Внимание! Вакансии нет на российских job ресурсах. 


An organization committed to cultural exchange between Switzerland and Russia — Pro Helvetia Moscow, is looking collaborate with an experienced Art manager to implement the extension of the office’s program aimed at strengthening cultural exchange and collaborations between the Russian and Swiss art scenes.



Identify and develop new partnerships in Yekaterinburg and the Ural region as well as in other regions of Russia with a focus on but not limited to visual arts
Enhance existing regional partnerships, focusing on artistic networks within the Russian art scene and with the Swiss counterparts (in collaboration with team based in Moscow).
Deepen existing partnerships in visual arts with a focus on interdisciplinary approach.
Propose/conceive and manage projects, including administrative and financial processes
Support the implementation of the new focus on exchange projects, i.e. residencies and research trips (in collaboration with team based in Moscow);
Process grant applications in connection to developed partnership and projects
Represent the interests of Pro Helvetia at relevant events, conferences and professional meetings in the region and beyond.



Excellent knowledge of the Russian contemporary cultural and arts scenes; background in visual arts as well as strong interest and understanding of interdisciplinary practices is an must
At least 4 years of experience in the execution and management of arts and cultural projects, including financial administration (as a freelance cultural manager and/or within an organizational/institutional context)
Familiarity with the international arts environment and strong cross-cultural sensibilities
Excellent communication and networking skills, a team-player.
Fluent in written and spoken Russian and English; knowledge of one or more Swiss languages is an asset
Good organizational and interpersonal skills and a hands-on work approach
Knowledge and experience of the Swiss arts scene will be an advantage, but is not a requirement.


The deadline for submission is November 15, 2020.

Данная вакансия, к сожалению, уже не актуальна.

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